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My daughter has PCOS how can I support her?

It is well known that one in five females has PCOS, so the chance that your daughter might be suffering from pcos is rather high! PCOS is a chronic disease which means It’s there to stay. It won’t go away!…

laser 101

How it works Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses a concentrated beam of light (laser) to remove unwanted hair. During laser hair removal, a laser source emits a light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in…

6-8 The magic numbers in patients with PCOS

Hirsutism is defined as excess terminal hair that commonly appears in a male pattern in women. Hirsutism is divided into androgen (male hormone)- and non-androgen-induced types. Most frequent cause of hyperandrogenic hirsutism is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The most frequent…

Why Doesn’t One Diet Plan fit All PCOS Patients?

  Contrary to common perception, just because a lady with more than 20,000 Instagram followers says she was able to successfully treat her PCOS by limiting dairy and gluten, doesn't indicate that it will work for everyone. Because everyone of…

I have PCOS and I dislike taking hormones!

Often times patients with PCOS are diagnosed at a young age usually late teens early twenties. Unfortunately, the only options available for treatment -until recently- were either hormones or no treatment at all! Hormonal treatment often involved birth control pills…

How to go prepared to your Gynecologist

Booking your appointment is obviously the first step to do. However, when you decide on a date and time, make sure you arrive on time, and have a book or something to keep you busy just in case your doctor…

PCOS 101

Polycystic ovary syndrome: Symptoms of PCOS: PCOS is one of the commonest hormone disorder among women. Its thought to affect one in five women worldwide, the cause of PCOS is not fully understood, however It is believed to run in…

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